Happy Julie joined the Misadventures group. This is a great book on how to have trust in yourself. Chase's assistant Ainsley has wanted to be a lawyer for most of her life. Now working for Chase she finds herself not only thinking of law but she can't keep her mind off Chase. But is that because he's an arrogant rich guy and very handsome and knows it, or because she finds him interesting and wants nothing more than to be more than his assistant. Once Chase finally sees Ainsley as more than an employee they have lots of obstacles to get over before either can let their hearts believe.
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The Merger Adriana Locke
Gannon has given up on finding happiness. Work is all he has and he’s not going to let anyone get in the way. Carys is Tate’s best friend. T...

Leaona is amazing. Her stories find the true meaning of love. Lennox and Lola are both having a tough time when they decide to go to Vegas f...
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Awesome story of strength and never giving up. Griffin has been to hell is working on living through another form or it. While Sophie has co...
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