Great story. Rhett and Emery had no plans of ever even meeting, let alone falling for each other. Emery was hired to work on the set of "The Bachelor" type of show, and Rhett was the bachelor. They based the show on baseball since Rhett owned The Beasts team and they were doing so well. But when one of the contestants left for personal reasons they had to find someone in a hurry. Rhett had had a run in with Emery the night before and wanted to get to know her more, so he convinced them to bring her on as the new bachelorette.
Lots of secrets were revealed and lots of hearts were broken, but the HEA made everything they went through worth the fight. You still get to see the other team members lives which keep the series going, but it also a stand alone and you can read no matter if you've read any of the others.

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