Monday, April 19, 2021

Bitter Truths by Dani René


From USA Today bestselling author, Dani René, comes the second book in the Crimson Falls Duet. This is the conclusion to Lycan and Scarlett's whirlwind romance. 

The ring on my finger felt heavy.
My heart was broken. 
And the bitter truths I'm about to learn don't ease the burden.
He was mine. And I vowed to be his forever. 

But what I found is not was I was expecting--lies and deceit. 
He was the darkness to my light, and together, we will find solace. 

My heart was no longer my own. He took it, kept it safe, but now, nothing else makes sense. He's shown me a world I craved, but didn't know I could have. It's all mine. 

Will our fairy tale have a happy ending?

Please note: This is book two and the conclusion to the duet.

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