Monday, February 17, 2020

Misadventures in the Cage (Misadventures) by Sarah Robinson

I have never been disappointed in the Misadventure series and this one still proves that. Sarah Robinson is new to my but she did an amazing job. I couldn't put the book down until I was finished. Callan and Josie meet and instantly feel the attraction, but neither of them are in a place where they can do anything long term. But when they meet again they both are blown away as to who each of them are. Josie works for her brother and soon finds out she had a one night stand with his greatest enemy, but can she leave it at one night? Callan is blown away when he sees Josie again and can't keep his mind of his hands off of her.

Misadventures in the Cage (Misadventures, #27)

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