Friday, October 25, 2019

Sinful Truth (Sinful Truths Book 1) Ella Miles

OMG Ella, I can't take this!!! I loved Zeke in "Truth or Lies" and now I love him even more. He has the biggest heart to go along with his massive size. He could break you with a finger, but her never wants to do any harm.
Siren saves Zeke, but who is she doing it for? Herself or him? Can either of them be saved? The cliffhanger kills me like they always do, If my phone wasn't so expensive and part of my arm it would be thrown against the wall, or if I could reach through the universe and either give Ella a hug or strangle her I would do that too.
I can't wait for the next book in this series of "Sinful Truth". I have to find out what happens to Zeke, if he's able to save himself or her, and if Siren will want to be saved or do the saving herself.

Book cover for Sinful Truth (Sinful Truths Book 1) by Ella Miles

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