Thursday, August 29, 2019

The Body Painter (Master of Trickery Duet #1) by Pepper Winters

Gil and Olin were sweethearts in high school, but Gil broke her heart. She has never forgotten him. Now her dreams of being a dancer have crashed and she is struggling to find herself and keep her head above water. She searches the want ads daily to find a job she can live with, any job. Than she finds the perfect ad, but what she finds at her interview will change her life again.
Gil has had a rough life. Alcoholic, abusive father and never had many friends, but having Olin in high school was his life saver. Until he couldn't have her anymore. So many things made Gil's life hell, but giving up Olin was the worst he could ever go through. Now she shows up on his doorstep applying for his job posting and his life takes a whole other twist. Now how can he keep them both safe and happy? Or does he have to give her up again?
This book is a tough story about how peoples lives can take a dramatic turn and change how things turn out, but there might be another turn in the road that will lead you to happiness or towards more disastrous events. 

The Body Painter (Master of Trickery Duet, #1)

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