Thursday, July 18, 2024

Until Deakon available on Kindle Unlimited


“Something smells good,” Deakon remarked as if we hadn’t had a huge blow out before he’d left the day before. He slid his ass onto a stool on the other side of the counter and toyed with some black grapes that were in a bowl.

“You could at least have washed your hands before you pawed at the food,” I snapped before I heard more footsteps in the hall and Mikey’s voice talking to Levi.

Deakon eyed me quietly and tilted his head to the side as if he were considering something. Feeling self-conscious, I became aware of a burning sensation in my cheeks. “You must be the only girl I’ve ever met who looks radiant when she’s pissed.”

I deliberately sighed to hide the flutter of butterflies that swarmed inside my belly and reminded myself how easily seduction fell from his tongue. “Can’t say the same for you—pissed or not. You look beat. Did you get run over by a truck in Miami last night?” I retorted after I gave him a sideward glance and continued to keep myself busy.

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