Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Bitter Truths: A Twisted Arranged Marriage Romance (Crimson Falls Duet Book 2) by Dani René


Book cover for Bitter Truths: A Twisted Arranged Marriage Romance (Crimson Falls Duet Book 2) by Dani René

Lycan and Scarlett’s relationship does not start out as any should, but they are not like anyone either. This conclusion to the Crimson Falls Duet is a wonderful tale. Our families may not end up being who we thought they were, but as long as you stay true to your heart and mind you may just find happiness and a fairytale ending. 

Fate of Storms (Blood of Zeus #3) by Meredith Wild, and Angel Payne

 This is the third in this series and what a story. Reading about Kara and Maximus has been quite the ride. Proving even going to hell can't stop their love. Meredith and Angel bring us into a world no one wants to go, but when you find your heart you never let it go.

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Autumn Night Whiskey (Tequila Rose #2) by Willow Winters

 Sad to see Tequila Rose come to a conclusion, but what a ride. Magnolia and Brody story continues! And what a story!!! Willow brings you into their lives and you feel like you are part of their stories. I never wanted it to end, but finding love and friendship is an amazing journey. They both find friends and discover their love has not diminished even with the years apart. 

Could Have Been Us by Corinne Michaels

 OMG what a great addition to Willow Creek Valley Series. Stella and Jack have known each other most of their lives because he's her big brothers best friend. But she can't turn off her feelings for him. Jack keeps his heart on hold to because he doesn't want to loose his friend. But can he keep ignoring his heart? Corinne has brought Willow Creek Valley to life and I so enjoy finding out more about all the residents. I can't wait for the next story!

Monday, April 19, 2021

Bitter Truths by Dani René


From USA Today bestselling author, Dani René, comes the second book in the Crimson Falls Duet. This is the conclusion to Lycan and Scarlett's whirlwind romance. 

The ring on my finger felt heavy.
My heart was broken. 
And the bitter truths I'm about to learn don't ease the burden.
He was mine. And I vowed to be his forever. 

But what I found is not was I was expecting--lies and deceit. 
He was the darkness to my light, and together, we will find solace. 

My heart was no longer my own. He took it, kept it safe, but now, nothing else makes sense. He's shown me a world I craved, but didn't know I could have. It's all mine. 

Will our fairy tale have a happy ending?

Please note: This is book two and the conclusion to the duet.

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Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Ready or Not (The Love Game Book 4) by Elizabeth Hayley

 The Love Game just keeps getting better. Getting further into this group of friends has been wonderful. Taylor's been having a rough year and trying to find her safe ground she ends up finding herself spending more time with Ransom. And the more time they end up together they both find they can't ignore what their minds and hearts keep telling them. 

Love or Lust (LOL Series Part 3) by Rachael Brownell

 Digging farther into the reality show and seeing them leave each week is tough, but finding the ones who can find love or lust and not just be there to cause drama is awesome. Having to live with camera's in your face all hours of the day has to be awful, but finding true friends and love makes it easier. Even with the end of this series living through everything with these characters it has been a wonderful journey. 

Hostile Saint (Steel Stallions MC, #1) by India R. Adams (

 WOW! Such a powerful story. Tate and Lacey's past have been hell, reading everything was not easy; but seeing their strength and love is the best. India blew my mind with the amazing way she writes her stories. I love MC stories and this one not only proves they are great stories but amazes me there are still good people in this world. When such bad things can happen to kids are there are amazing people including these amazing gang willing to help Tate and Lacey. There is so much evil in this world to find such great hearted ones makes me believe some. 

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

The Devil I Hate (Devil's Knights #1) by Jillian Quinn

 To hate or love the devil seems to be Alex's entire life. Luca showed himself to her when she was young and told her they are destined to be married. As the years have gone on they both have denied the arranged marriage, but neither can deny the pull they have towards the other. Can Alex love her devil or will she end up hating him forever and never forgiving him. 

Bitter Vows (Crimson Falls Duet #1) by Dani René

 Bitter Vows by Dani is a great play on little red riding hood. Scarlett went to her grandmothers house for the summer and never expected to find the big bad wolf running after her in the woods. Lycan had a signed contract that Scarlett was his now he had to prove to her living in the wolf's den isn't as bad as she thinks. But can the big bad wolf actually have a heart? Scarlett doesn't want to admit to her future, but she can't ignore when she sees under the wall Lycan has put up that there is a man and she wants to either heal his heart or break it into pieces. 

Friday, April 2, 2021

Bossy Grump by Nicole Snow

 Paige had found her dream job, so she thought. Until she met the Warden, her new boss. Both hard workers and stubborn will they be able to work together. Nicole does an awesome job of bringing Ward and Paige's story to life and makes you want to cheer them on. Not only in their businesses but in their personal lives. She brings truth to never giving up, but the truth and listening to your gut and your heart will bring your life more happiness and satisfaction then lying and scheming ever will! 

The Merger Adriana Locke

Gannon has given up on finding happiness. Work is all he has and he’s not going to let anyone get in the way. Carys is Tate’s best friend. T...