Thursday, November 29, 2018

Ruled (Honor Bound #10) by Angel Payne

I have loved all of the Honor Bound books, but this one threw me off the cliff. Franzen has been in the other stories as the leader, but in this story he's the one trying to figure out who he is. After all the years in the military he has to figure out how to deal with civilian life, and it's not proving to be easy. Then taking a job to help a friend turns his life upside down even more!
Tracy is preparing herself for a public speaking event in Las Vegas, never did she think she had to prepare to save her sons and her life in the same day. Meeting her new security guard blows her away. He is the tallest most gorgeous person she has ever seen, but she can't let that get in the way of her duties. But when he saves their lives, he is the only thing she has to cling onto and she never wants to let go.

Ruled (Honor Bound #10)

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