Tuesday, December 29, 2020

From Evil: Books 4-6 (Deliver Box Set Book 2) IS LIVE

Devastate #4 - If I could give Pam a thousand stars I would. This book is amazing and devastating at the same time. The eye opener of how cruel and sick people can be to each other is devastating. But how strong humans are and how they can come out of things and still find the love of their lives is amazing. Tate and Lucia have been through more in their lives than anyone should survive and when Tate finally finds Lucia and she is alive, they find each other's heart belong to the other.

Pam never stops amazing me. I couldn't put this book down and I cannot imagine the pain Tate and Lucia had to endure. Van was never a favorite of mine, but this story showed a whole other side to him that made me like him even more than his book.

Take #5 - WOW! Pam blows me away with this series!! She never fails to take me places I never thought of going, but have to say I enjoy sharing it with her characters. Kate was one I looked very forward to. I wanted to get to know her more and find out what happened to her. Being taken again, how can a women survive this. I hated Tiago and loved him at the same time. Getting more familiar the belly of the kidnapping beast is difficult at times, but Pam makes it so worth your trip. Pam's great writing and ability to help us see so deep into these people makes the journey one I wish would never end.

Manipulate #6 - Pam never stops amazing me. Manipulate is a mind blowing addition to this series. Learning more about the freedom fighters is a journey I never want to end.

Hearing about their pasts are not easy to hear, but they lived them and sharing them with their partners and Pam sharing them with us is wonderful.

Ricky and Martin both lived through Van's hell and came out better men. They think some days, others they just want all the hurt to end.

Tula went to Mexico to help her sister, but ends up in the worst prison in the country. She finds herself in the middle of the cartel and doesn't make any waves to keep herself safe and alive. See the two American's sitting at a table in the same prison is something she never thought she would see. Now she wants to get to know them, but she also wants to stay alive, so she has to make choices so she can have both. From Evil: Books 4-6 (Deliver Box Set Book 2) by [Pam Godwin]

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