Sunday, March 27, 2022

Obsessed (Obsession Book 1) Alandra Knight

 Obsessed is the word to describe this story. Sabrina and Blaze have quite the relationship. They can’t stay away from each other and they can’t get away from the other fast enough. Alandra does an amazing job of making these characters real and I couldn’t put it down until I found out more. Can’t wait for more in this Obsession Series. Definitely obsessed with Alandra’s series. 

Friday, March 4, 2022

Taste (Cloverleigh Farms #7) by Melanie Harlow

Oh how I have missed Cloverleigh stories. Ellie has known Gianni her entire life. Are they friends or enemies. Finding themselves stuck together in a huge snow storm they get a chance to connect is ways they never have. But is their short snow storm time together going to bring them closer together or pull them farther apart. Gianni never wants to grow up and Ellie wants to settle in her job and home town. They have to figure out if they want to stay enemies or listen to their hearts and open up to each other. I recommend this series to everyone to enjoy!

A Death to Seek (Thornes & Roses #3) by Dani René

 I have been waiting for Finn's story. Being back in Thorne Haven and finding out more about the youngest Thorne was worth the wait! Dani doesn't disappoint with sharing Finn with us. He has many secrets he's been keeping for most of his life, but when Zaria comes into his life he wants to find out if she's the one to finally share them with. Zaria thought moving to Thorne Haven was her greatest loss but learning more about the reasons she's there she finds out more about herself and Finn and if they can have a happy ever after.

The Merger Adriana Locke

Gannon has given up on finding happiness. Work is all he has and he’s not going to let anyone get in the way. Carys is Tate’s best friend. T...